Growing Closer to Jesus Together


If you are looking to get involved in an upcoming small group, we have new groups starting throughout the year!

You can find information about new groups and their start dates below.

To join a group, please click the button below!


Men and Women - Disciple's Journey Study

We are offering a new 13-week study that provides a structured, deliberate path for becoming a fully committed disciple of Jesus Christ, using the Disciple's Journey workbook.

There is an $18 cost for workbooks

Starting April 23rd!

Wednesdays, 6:00 - 8:00pm // Southside Worship Center


If you are looking to get involved in a small group now, or are unable to attend the upcoming new group on Wednesday nights, we'd love for you to visit one of our existing groups that already meet weekly!

You can find the details for our existing groups below.

To join a group, please click the button below!


Men and Women - Revelation Series

We are offering study groups on growing your understanding of Revelation.

Wednesdays, 6:00 - 8:00pm // Southside Worship Center

Women - "Women in the New Testament" Study

The ladies will start a new 9-week study focusing on the numerous women in the New Testament from Lynn Cohick, led by Amy Richardson.

Sundays, 5:30 - 7:30pm // Southside Worship Center

Men - 1 Timothy Study

We are offering a group for men, led by Jamie Kerr, focusing on the study of 1 Timothy.

Wednesdays, 6:00 - 8:00pm // Southside Worship Center

Men and Women - GriefShare

This is a 13 week support group that is a safe, welcoming place to walk through the emotions of grief. You’ll discover what to expect in the days ahead while gaining support along the way. You’ll also gain practical ways of coping with grief.

Wednesday, 6:00 - 8:00 pm // Southside Worship Center

Men and Women - U30

This is a small group for people 18-30 years old who are seeking to grow in faith and community with other young adult believers!

If you have any questions, please contact Joel at

Mondays, 6:30 - 8:00 pm // Southside Chapel

If you have questions or would like more info about groups, send an email