Here you can find our weekly announcements, as found in our worship service bulletin.


Discover Southside Luncheon

Sunday, April 6th

Are you new to Southside? Would you like to get to know more about what goes on with our Faith Family and what we believe? Join us right after church on April 6th for a Discover Southside Luncheon. Lunch is provided.

Sign-up at the Welcome Desk or text your name and "Discover" to 859-955-4024


Ladies First Friday

Friday, April 4th

6:30pm - 8:30pm

It’s a Bonfire Party! This month we’re meeting at Maria Masters’ home. Please bring a lawn chair, blanket, and a snack to share! For more information and the address, contact Maria @ 407.923.8204 or Christy @ 319.863.6019.


Disciple's Journey Group Study

Begins Wednesday, April 23rd


Would you like to experience spiritual growth but don’t know where to start? Do you have a sincere love for Jesus but struggle to follow Him in everyday life? Join us on Wednesday, April 23rd, as we begin a new 13-week study that provides a structured, deliberate path for becoming a fully committed disciple of Jesus Christ. Dinner is included & childcare is available. There is an $18 cost for workbooks. Sign up at the Welcome Desk or text your name and ‘Disciple’ to 859.955.4024.


Mowing Team

Mowing season is here and we could use some more volunteers!

If you'd like to join the mowing team, there's a sign-up sheet at the back of the Worship Center.


Eastern KY Mission Trip

Saturday, March 29th

1-Day Mission Trip Opportunity: Would you like to help serve the flood victims of Eastern Kentucky? You can GO with us on Saturday, March 29th, to serve with Crossroads Mission located in Langley, KY (Floyd Co.).

We are planning to leave at 7am and will return between 8pm-9pm. Lunch will be provided.

Sign up at the Welcome Center or text "Mission" to 859-955-4024.

You can find more information about Crossroads Missions at


2025 Puerto Rico Mission Trip

June 21st-28th

Want to know more about our Puerto Rico mission trip? Come to an informational luncheon immediately following our worship service on Sunday, March 23rd.

Contact Stacy Osbourn (859-325-3861) for more information.


Spring Work Day

Saturday, April 12th


We’re refreshing the landscaping and getting the campus ready for our Easter activities and services. We’d love for you to help! Join us at 8am on Saturday, April 12th. 


Take-a-Stake Fundraiser for CIY Move

Sunday, March 23rd

If you would like to "take a stake" in helping this year's group attending CIY, you can sponsor a student for $75.

All donations help offset the cost of CIY for our high school students.


Family Worship

Sunday, March 30th

SSKids (K-5th Grade) will join us for our Worship Service.

There will be coloring sheets and crayons available at the Welcome Desk.


Community Glow-in-the-Dark Easter Egg Hunt

Wednesday, April 16th

6pm - 8pm

We are so excited for our Community Easter Egg Hunt this year! It will be held indoors at Southside Kids. There will be egg hunts for ages toddler through 5th grade.

We are asking our faith family to donate bags of individually wrapped candy. We do not need eggs.

A collection basket will be located near the Welcome Desk.